Alright, good afternoon everybody.
Welcome back to CS193P, Lecture 2.
We kind of met briefly on Tuesday.
I'm Josh, in case everybody has forgotten.
And I don't think you're going to see too much of Al today
but he'll back next week.
So, well, you can see the back of his head.
He's kin of hiding up there.
Alright. So just a few announcements to start things of today.
Enrollment is almost done.
Hopefully, everybody got through that on the website and got things in by Wednesday.
We're going to shoot for getting end of day Friday tomorrow.
We're going to try and get emails out to everyone to let you know who's in who's not.
Obviously, there're a lot of people here and, you know, we're taking 60.
So, I apologize to anyone who couldn't make it but, you know,
we're doing best to accommodate everything
and get things worked out.
And we'll let you know, hopefully, by tomorrow.
If you get notified that you're not in the class
and have already signed in Axess, please do go back
into Axess and drop the class.
We really need that for, you know, tracking purposes
and all that good stuff
Alright, so we've got some office hours set up.
I don't actually know.
Is Paul here?
Oh, hiding over there.
Do have-- Have you gotten stuff set up?
I don't know what they were.
Ok, so Paul is by next Monday.
David, Monday is 4 to 6 at Gates 360.
Paul just yelled real loud and hopefully you'll find him--
or he'll let you know on Monday.
Tuesday. Man, this thing is pretty good.
Alright, so if you haven't gotten started
on the assignments, we-- you need to get the iPhone SDK
in order to get that working.
For those of you that do end up enrolled in the class
as Al mentioned, you'll be invited
to join the developer program.
You'll basically-- once you get invitation for this you're going
to end up logging into the developer portal
and requesting a certificate and doing some things.
There will be more information about that once we send
out the emails about who's enrolled.
In the meantime, and yeah, we also need some UDIDs from that.
In the meantime, for everyone who's here
and auditors will have to do this in the end as well.
You can sign up for the free developer grogram
which is available on and it's actually free
for simulator development.
So you'll be able to download the SDK and build apps
and install and run in the simulator.
You just won't be able to install on the device.
For auditors, if you do want to install the device,
it's only 99 dollars for the on device development
and you cal sign up for that at as well.
But for everyone else who's going to be
in the class we'll be taking care of that
You won't have to pay the 99 dollars but yeah.
So download the SDK.
It's for the year membership.
Sorry, the 99 dollars is not permanent.
It's a year long membership.
Alright. So the first assignment kind of walk you through a bit
of getting help and getting started.
As Al mentioned, we don't actually have a textbook
for this class.
We're going to deal off
with that apple developer document.
It's pretty rich and includes a lot of information.
So just a quick brief overview of where you can get to some
of that, what some of it is.
If you go to the Xcode help menu,
it actually has a whole bunch of it right there for you,
The first thing in the menu is the developer documentation.
You click on that and you get a whole browser full
of all the documentation that's--
well, a lot of the documentation that's available offline
on your computer.
It includes-- includes a bunch of the sort
of broad overview documentation on large topics as well
as individual API documentation for specific APIs
that you're going to be using.
And that's all available right within Xcode.
There's also the quick help in Xcode which is kind
of a shorter browser that just pops a small window
and as you click on things
in your text files while you're editing, it shows an overview
about what those things are.
Both of those things are really great tools available right
in the interface of Xcode while you're working on your code.
It's a great way to learn
about things while you're actually working on it.
There're also the class header files.
There're really good source of information.
The docs are great.
I think we have a really great docs team at Apple.
But we also have the engineers often write comments
and headers sort of one on one us to you--
they're a little bit less polished and, you know,
technically-- you know, technically accurate
but [chuckles]-- you know, that if you get to the headers,
you can get all-- some good information in there.
There's actually a shortcut to get to that.
If you have something you're working on in Xcode
in a text editor and if you've got an API that you just want
to get a little more information about.
If you hold down the command key and double click
on that API it'll open up the header and take you right
to the spot and header for that particular API
and hopefully there will be some comment from on of us in there
and you can also go and check it on the documentation
where there're a lot more information.
And also at the,
there's a lot of extra information.
There are some great sample code and tech notes.
Tech notes are kind of just additional information
about APIs and topics that didn't quite make it
in the original documentation
but that we think are interesting stuff that's
probably useful to know.
So, all that's available online on the sample code
and you can search it with Google Search.
It's all right up there.
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